Urban planning
Epode adapts to the geographical scale you are envisioning thanks to our team of experienced urban planners and a geographic information system (GIS) engineering system to support you throughout the project.
Territorial planning
Epode helps you choose the right regulatory planning procedure for your needs. We intervene during every stage required to create or develop your urban planning documents.
What we do:
- development of local urbanization plans
- development of intercommunal local urbanization plans
- changes and compatibility assessments
- reassessment and revision procedure
- project filing
- regional plans for planning, sustainable development, and territorial equality - SRADDET
- territorial coherence plans - SCOT
- contracts and agreements within France’s New National Urban Renewal Programme - NNURP
CDPENAF, CDNPS commissions
Our clients
Territorial strategy and client assistance
Epode carries out your project for your territory. Our consultancy and assistance duties are designed to respond to concrete problems by defining the direction your major strategic development plans should take.
Our action aims to define a short, medium, and long-term perspective capable of articulating various actions:
- real estate actions,
- regulatory and legal actions,
- developments to be planned,
- search for partners,
- mobilisation of players,
- etc.
We support local authorities in the choices they make in planning their territory’s development and together, we choose the best-suited tools and procedures.
Our interventions cover the following services:
- territorial diagnosis, at all levels
- analytical or strategic mapping
- statistical analysis
- territorial insights, strategy and scenario building
- guidelines and action plans
- studies on increasing the land development tax
- programmes for sustainable development and territorial resilience: Agenda 21, climate change adaptation strategies, etc.
Our clients
Operational urban planning
Epode has set up a dedicated unit to guide your development project from the pre-operational study phase.
Thanks to our in-depth knowledge of market processes, developers, investors, and the expertise of our project managers, Epode can assist you in defining the programming of your development and urbanisation projects:
- urban design
- housing and retail development
- leisure and amenity areas,
- OAP,
- urban planning study, urban and tour planning
- requalification of town entrances and centres
Our expertise aims at verifying an opportunity, testing its feasibility, and preparing the modalities for its operational implementation.
We define and draw up:
- the programme
- the project layout plan (drawings, sections, 3D views, etc.),
- the financial statement
- the promoter/developer balance sheet and its countdown
- the specifications and regulations file
- the operational tools for implementation
- the roadmap and associated project schedule
- the development permits